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Hu Jintao Arrives in Peru for State Visit, APEC Meeting
2008-11-21 09:22

On November 19, 2008, Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Lima, kicking off his state visit to Peru. He will also attend the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting scheduled for Nov. 22-23 in the Peruvian capital.

At 14: 20 local time, Hu’s special plane arrived at an air base in Lima, where he and his wife Liu Yongqing were warmly greeted by Peruvian Minister of Education José Antonio Chang.

In a written speech delivered upon arrival at the airport, the Chinese leader hailed the time-honored friendship between the two peoples. He said China-Peru relations have developed smoothly since the two countries set up diplomatic ties 37 years ago. The two countries established comprehensive cooperative partnership in 2005. The two sides have deepened cooperation in the sectors including politics, economy, trade, culture, education, science and technology. They have also coordinated well in dealing with international and regional issues in recent years, Hu said, adding that there is broad prospect for relations between the two countries. "China attaches great importance to the development of its relations with Peru and would work with the Peruvian side to elevate the bilateral ties to a new level," said the president.

Hu said during the visit, he will exchange views in a candid, in-depth manner with his Peruvian counterpart Alan Garcia and other Peruvian leaders on ways to deepen the bilateral ties. The visit was aimed at deepening friendship, strengthening mutual trust, enhancing cooperation and seeking common development with Peru in a bid to open up a new prospect for bilateral ties, Hu said.

"I believe this visit would be a complete success and the China-Peru ties will achieve better development through this visit," Hu said.

The accompanying officials including Ling Jihua, Wang Huning and Dai Bingguo arrived by the same plane.

Chinese Ambassador to Peru Gao Zhengyue and the staff of the embassy also greeted Hu and his entourage at the airport.

In Lima, the Chinese president will take part in the Economic Leaders' Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, which will focus on the world economic and financial situation, support for the Doha round of trade talks, food and energy security, regional economic integration, enterprises’ social responsibilities, climate change and disaster prevention and mitigation.

Hu flew into Lima by special plane from Havana after concluding a state visit to Cuba. He will also attend the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting scheduled for Nov. 22-23 in the Peruvian capital. The Chinese leader earlier attended the G20 summit on the financial markets and world economy in Washington, the capital of the United States and paid a state visit to Costa Rica. He will also visit Greece.

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