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Security Alert for Chinese Students in Belgium
2020-07-11 21:01

Recently, the annual report published by the Belgian State Security Service and the sensationalization of certain Belgian media have seriously tarnished the image and reputation of Chinese students in Belgium and have had negative impacts on normal educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Belgium. The Chinese Embassy in Belgium has already received several complaints from Chinese students in Belgium expressing their concerns.


The Chinese Embassy in Belgium calls on Chinese students in Belgium to take precautions and stay vigilant about personal safety. In the event of unfounded accusations, slander, or other discriminatory remarks or treatment against Chinese students, it is advisable to file a complaint and seek assistance from the university and faculty, to inform the Embassy, and protect yourselves through legal means while ensuring personal security.


Global consular protection and services emergency hotline of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (available 24 hours): + 86-10-12308 / + 86-10-59913991


Consular protection hotline of the Chinese Embassy in Belgium: + 32-27632006


Emergency number of the education service of the Chinese Embassy in Belgium: + 32-493892767

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